Coffee Cocktail

The Coffee Cocktail is so old fancy drink. It is so similar to flip. The oldest entry about Coffee Cocktail are in the Bartender’s Guide or How to Mix All Kinds of Plain and Fancy Drinks (1887) by Jerry Thomas and Bartender’s Manual or How to Mix Drinks of the Present Style (1882, rev. 1934) by Harry Jonson. This cocktail is truly genteleman’s desert cocktail and amazing nightcup.

For Coffee Cocktail I use Don Pablo Porto Ruby and Hennessy VS as brandy.

The Coffee Cocktail (Коктейль Кофе)

Coffee Cocktail (Savoy Cocktail Book)

the yolk of one egg
2 tsp sugar syrup
50 ml port wine
25 ml brandy
1 dash curacao
Shake well, strain into a small wineglass and grate a little nutmeg on top.

Coffee Cocktail is amazing drink. It has so sweet very pleasant taste with hint of … coffee! It is great cocktail! This cocktail is a favorite cocktail of many of my guests now.

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American Beauty

Currently, it is one of my favorite cocktails. Delicious, light and compose drink. I believe it is a pure classic. And of course, it has such an unusual appearance.


American Beauty

15 ml brandy
15 ml dry vermouth
15 ml fresh orange juice
15 ml grenadine
1 dash creme de menthe white
30 ml port wine
Shake all without port, cocktail glass, top with a port.

P.S. This great foto of an American beauty cocktail was taken by my wife (a Ukrainian beauty
by the way)… :)