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Use the #scienceofdrink tag to focus us on interesting cocktails of your choice!
Please feel free to repost my images. Follow this simply rules:
– you SHOULD specify clickable link and mention that photo has been taken by me (e.g. ?: @scienceofdrink);
– you SHOULD NOT pass of a pictured cocktail as another (e.g. if I specified that a pictured cocktail was Vieux Carre you should not specify that it is Negroni despite similarity);
– you CAN specify any / your own suitable brand as an ingredient of a pictured cocktail according to a recipe (e.g. if a pictured cocktail contains London Dry Gin you can specify your own / preferred brand as an ingredient or suggestion).
You also can post in Instagram photos / crops from ScienceOfDrink.com. You should follow the same rules in this case too.
I’m looking forward to your reposts and comments 8)