El Presidente (revised)

El Presidente Cocktail

El Presidente

45 ml light rum (preferable Cuban)
20 ml vermouth dry
15 ml orange curacao
1 dash grenadine
Stir all in an appropriate mixing glass with a lot of ice. Strain into a fancy cocktail glass. Garnish with a piece of orange peel.

Coquardier: On fait du sirop de groseille sans groseille et du sirop de grenadine sans grenade.
(Делают сироп из смородины без смородины и гренадин без граната.)
Albert: C’est le progres… On a trouve un insecte qui remplace la grenade et qui donne l’illusion…(Это называется прогресс. Мы нашли насекомое3, которое заменяет гранат и создает иллюзию…)

Old style cocktail with grenadine (El Presidente)


The El Presidente Machado Cocktail garnished with an orange peel

El Presidente (Machado)

30 ml light rum (preferable Cuban)
30 ml vermouth dry
1 dash orange curacao
1 dash grenadine
Stir all in an appropriate mixing glass with a lot of ice. Strain into a fancy cocktail glass. Garnish with a piece of orange peel.

Continue reading “El Presidente (revised)”

Satan’s Whiskers

Satan's Whiskers Cocktail

Satan’s Whiskers

20 ml gin
20 ml vermouth dry
20 ml vermouth sweet
15 ml fresh orange juice
15 ml Grand Marnier or orange curacao
dash orange bitters
Shake all ingredients with a lot of ice than strain into a cocktail glass. Garnish with an orahge twist.

Porto Flip

Porto Flip Cocktail

Porto Flip

45 ml Porto ruby
1 tsp. sugar syrup (1:2)
8 ml Benedictine
1 small egg
Shake all ingredients vigorously. Strain into a glass. Dust with a nutmeg.

Porto Flip Cocktail in a vintage glass

Port Flip (Bariana ver.)

50 ml ruby Porto
4 dash curacao
2 dash creme de noyaux
1 bsp. sugar syrup (1:2)
1 egg yolk
Shake all ingredients vigorously. Strain into a glass. Dust with a nutmeg.

Continue reading “Porto Flip”