Today we drink the real old and almost forgotten cocktail – the Fairbanks Cocktail. The name of this cocktail as Ted “Doctor Cocktail” Haigh supposed origanate from Doug Fairbanks (movie star) or Charlie Fairbank (Amarican politician). Any way it is old but interesting drink.
Actually the Fairbanks Cocktail is variation of famous Martini Cocktail with two dash of creme de noyeaux – French almond liqueur. I use the substitute of creme de noyeaux – amaretto (Disaronno Originale – Italian almond liqueur).
Fairbanks Cocktail
50 ml gin
20 ml dry vermouth
2 dash orange bitters
2 dash creme de noyeaux
Stir in a mixing glass with a lot of ice, strain into cocktail glass and garnish with a maraschino cherry.
The taste of Fairbanks Cocktail is great. The dry and herbal taste with great orange palate with a hint of sweet almond. It is very interesting evening cocktail.
probably the politician, as the actor was a rather famous teetotaler.
to erik.ellestad: actually I read the post about Fairbanks Cocktail #2 at your blog and it is very usefull for me. I know that M.Pickford was a real imbiber but do not know that Fairbanks was not.
to Zach: actually as one dash I use my least bar-spoon (you can see it here – Photo 8 – bar-spoon with fork). It has volume about 1,25 ml. Therefore I have not problem with “dashing” – bar-spoon, good pourer and it is all that I need. And YES, you are right – my dash is so fat :)
Sounds like a really cool drink, I’m looking forward to trying it.
I’m curious, how do you “dash” something like Amaretto? Obviously easy with bitters since it’s designed to do that, but I’m less certain how I’d do that with something designed to pour.
Что-то у вас мартини какой-то слабоватый, аж 5/2 )) Надо же 15/2, вот будет мартини!
а вообще, да сухой вермут м апельсином и миндалем вместе – отличное сочетание (ну если пропорции верны).
надо после кризиса зарплатного купить все-таки маленькую бутылочку амаретто. иногда бывает полезно и его иметь дома…
кстати, про бурбон и апельсин. ты не пробовал вместо жмыханья апельсина в Олд-фешенде капать апельсиновой ангостуры? с хорошим и не слишком ярким бурбоном получается очень приятно…
апельсиновую ангостуру я не пробовал, а вот деш кюрасао или куантро пробовал тоже наблюдение – получается хорошо :)
Hiii, one of my friends suggested this site to me. I really like it it is very usefull. thanks and best regards
N. Thuchain
Creme de Noyau isn’t an almond liqueur even though it smells almondy. It’s made from apricot kernels (although peach kernels will give a similar product).
to Frederic: Yes, exactly. The creme de noyeaux is liqueur with almond flavor as the Disaronno is a liqueur with almond flavor but actually both of these made from apricot pits.
Thank you admin. Take care of yourself